• Become A Member!

    Become a member of Genesis History Maker CDC and make a lasting impact in your community. Together, we can create opportunities, inspire growth, and build a brighter future.

  • General Membership

    Are you an organization, municipality, or individual getting started

    with saving places of historical significance in communities of color and looking for access to valuable resources?

    Community Membership

    Are you currently a historic preservation district, neighborhood, or association?

    Allied Membership

    Are you a consultant or company that provides goods or services to historic preservation organizations?

    Friends of GHMCDC Membership

    Are you an individual who wants

    to support GHMCDC and stay connected?

  • Benefits of Becoming A Member

    Discover how being a member of Genesis History Maker CDC empowers you with resources, connections, and the tools to make a meaningful difference in your community.